Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yes! I have lost my mind

Mack,(my grandson) who is now 8 has a habit of saying "Nanny, are you loosing your mind?" I picked him up from school on Friday and there happen to be one of those moments where he had the opportunity to ask that very question. I looked at him and said Mack, I am going to share something with you that, at this point I haven't told anyone yet. He smiled that boyish smile that told me he was waiting for something juicy to hold over my head for awhile.

I told him that one day I was dusting the living room and cleaning the smudges off of the monitor on the computer and there was this one spot that I kept rubbing (carefully) and it wouldn't come off. So I put on my glasses (duh) to get a better look at what I was rubbing (carefully) that wouldn't come off. Upon closer inspection I realized that it was the little arrow cursor !!! So I mumbled to myself oh yes Nanny you have lost your mind !

Naturally Mack smiled that big smile of his and laughed at me and he agreed that I have totally lost my mind............