Monday, February 28, 2011

conversations with dolly

Dolly has an addiction to tic-tacs. It's what she always ask for as soon as we get into any vehicle, she has to have a tic-tac.

Dolly: can I have another tic tac nanny?
Me: no you have had enough already
Dolly: I better not eat to many or I might get a tummy ache and shoot bubbles out of my little hiney butt in the bath tub, and we don't want that to happen do we nanny?
Me:laughing, laughing, laughing, you are really something else Dolly
Dolly: yes I am nanny

Friday, February 11, 2011

shaving in the pick up line at school

Most days I pick Mack up after school. Normally I park and walk to the school and hang around with all the other parents waiting for the bell to ring. However, since winter has come (and boy has it come this year) I just get in the pick up line. If Dolly is with me we have "interesting" conversations. If she is home napping with Daddy in charge I sit and people watch. It's fun and interesting.

There are women who walk up the road with a cell phone attached to their ear and on the way back down the road the cell phone is still attached to their ear. The child is patiently waiting and looking up at her waiting to tell her all about her day at school, but she keeps on talking. Parents come with their coats zipped up to their chins, hats and gloves, hunching their shoulders because they are cold. On the way back down the road with their child the parent is still hunched from the cold and the childs coat is unzipped flapping in the breeze as they are smiling and chatting away. One man periodically "drags" a little boy because he gets limp as a noodle as soon as he has to hold hands. The kid just hangs there, knees dragging on the ground face looking at the street. The man stands there for quite some time not sure what to do. Guess he doesn't want to really drag him and guess he doesn't really want to spank him in public. Eventually the kid stands errect and not very willingly trods off all downcast and sad because he has to hold hands. Other parents are smiling and holding hands with their children, chatting happily about the days events. Same parents and kids, same scenerio nearly every day. It's funny.

Today while I was in line, alone, passing the time, people watching, the guy in front of me was sitting in his truck SHAVING. No kidding! I actually saw him dip his razor in what I presume was a glass of water. He was talking on his cell phone with one hand and shaving with the other. Maybe he has a hot date after school? But that tops the most interesting thing I have ever seen while sitting in the pick up line at school..............

Thursday, February 3, 2011

angels wings and hurdles

Life can, and will throw you all kinds of stuff. Good stuff, fun stuff, sad stuff, bad stuff. Stuff, consumes our life every minute of every day. What happens to all that stuff? Sometimes it piles up. It becomes a big mountain of stuff! What can we do with all that stuff? We can get a shovel and start digging our way out. But where to begin? If we start at the bottom of the mountain all the "stuff" comes crashing down on us. If we start at the top we see no way to the bottom.

I rather picture a field of green beautiful grass, and trees gently blowing in the breeze. Colorful fragrant flowers dotting the landscape. Butterflies fluttering about and even honey bees gathering pollen to make honey. Birds singing there songs from the trees. Before me I see hurdles. They are not hurdles that are to high to get over, reasonable height, reasonable lengths apart from each other. The course awaits me and there is no one with a starters pistol pointing at the air saying, on your mark, get set, go! It's not a race to compete with others. It's my own personal race in life. I can go at my own speed. Faster on this stretch, slower on this one. I can't see the end of the race. I have no idea what lies over that hill, or that turn. I just know that I have to get on my best running shoes and begin. I need to get down on one knee (or maybe both) and say a prayer to my almighty saviour to guide me, lift me up, and help me along the way.

With a sigh and a deep breathe I can begin now. As I approach the hurdle the adrenaline starts, my heart pounds, my brows sweat. I can't close my eyes for I might fall over the hurdle and be flat on my face. So I look UP for strength and help. And then it happens! By the grace of God I sprout angels wings and before I know it my feet aren't touching the ground and over the hurdle I go. Landing safely on the other side of the hurdle my feet are firmly planted on the ground, I am over the obsticle that was "stuck" in my way. Fully intact, and no worse for the worry. My heart is relieved and I throw my fist up in the air and leap with a resounding YES! I can do this.

There are losts of hurdles before me, lots to get over. I can't even glimse where the finish line is, but while I am running this race, at least I can take time to see beauty around me. I can stop to smell the flowers along the way and see the butterflies fluttering about in their care free way. I can dodge those honey bees while they gather pollen but still enjoy there busy work. I can listen to the birds singing their songs if I am quiet enough. I can smile and be glad, because I know when that next hurdles comes I can, and will get over it. And I will give thanks to the One who helps me, and enables me to sprout angel wings.